Next.js SaaS Starter Kit
Build a Next.js app in days with a SaaS Starter Kit
A full-stack React template to build your projects with Multi-tenancy & Team support, Authentication, Roles & Permissions, Stripe Payments, Landing Page, User Dashboard, and all the features from Next.js Boilerplate.
All the essential features for your SaaS product
Rely on a SaaS Starter Kit to speed up your development and streamline your workflow. Browse all the features included in the template.
Authentication with Clerk
Secure your app with multiple authentication strategies, including Email/Password, Social connections (with over 20+ providers), and Magic Links. Additionally, enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for extra security.
Multi-Tenancy with Clerk
Allow users to create and manage their own organizations or teams within the application. They can invite team members and collaborate in your SaaS app.
Roles & Permissions
Manage user roles and permissions with ease. Assign roles to users and restrict access to certain parts of the application.
Stripe Subscription
Integrated with Stripe for subscription management. An opportunity to generate recurring and consistent revenue with your SaaS. Fully self-service, users can subscribe, update, and cancel their plans.
Customizable UI Templates
A responsive Landing Page and User Dashboard styled with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI components. The look and feel are customizable to match your brand identity and design preferences.
Admin Dashboard
Manage your SaaS app with Clerk's built-in Admin Dashboard. View and manage user profiles, ban or delete accounts, and handle organizations—all from one interface. Easily track key metrics from a single dashboard.
Clean Codebase and Architecture
Navigate effortlessly through a clean and organized codebase, designed for clarity and simplicity. Customize and maintain your project with ease thanks to the robust and scalable structure.
Todo SaaS App Example
A real-world example of a Todo SaaS application included as an example. Use it as a reference or a starting point for your project. Get inspired and start creating with a proven example at your fingertips.
Internationalization (i18n)
Take your application global by breaking down language barriers and enhancing the user experience. Seamlessly support multiple languages, ensuring accessibility and usability for users around the world.
Launch your project using our production-ready SaaS Starter Kit. By saving months of development time and costs, you can bring your product to market faster and with confidence. Deploy to production in just minutes.
Fully Serverless Stack
Enjoy pay-as-you-go pricing, ensuring you only pay for what you use. Free when there's no traffic. Scale your SaaS automatically with no server maintenance. Focus on building your product, not managing infrastructure.
Light and Dark Mode
Offer your users a seamless experience with built-in Light and Dark Mode support. Automatically match the user's system preferences, or they can easily toggle between modes to suit their preferences.
Unit and E2E testing
Ensure the quality of your app with built-in Testing configurations. It's based on Vitest for unit testing, and Playwright for E2E testing. Additionally, GitHub Actions will automatically run tests at each commit and pull request.
Error Monitoring and Logging
Keep your application running smoothly with integrated error monitoring and logging. Track runtime exceptions and monitor your app with Sentry. Send your logs for ingestion and transform them into searchable data.
User Impersonation
Improve your support and troubleshooting capabilities by allowing administrators to log in as any user. Enable them to view and operate the application exactly as the user would.
Documentation & Support
Get comprehensive and complete documentation to guide you through the template. Additionally, you can connect with the author directly for any inquiries or recommendations, with a 24-hour response time.
Include Next.js Boilerplate Free
The SaaS Boilerplate is built on top of the Next.js Boilerplate, using the same tech stack like Next.js, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, Tailwind CSS, ESLint, Prettier, Storybook, and more.
Choose the Perfect Plan for Your Project
  • 1 Developer
  • 1 Project / Product
  • Full Source code
  • Authentication
  • Multi-tenancy & Team
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Stripe Integration
  • Landing Page
  • User Dashboard
  • Todo SaaS App Example
  • I18n
  • Unit and E2E testing
  • Documentation
  • 1 year of Updates
  • 1 year of Email Support
Buy now
  • Up to 10 Developers
  • 1 Project / Product
  • Full Source code
  • Authentication
  • Multi-tenancy & Team
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Stripe Integration
  • Landing Page
  • User Dashboard
  • Todo SaaS App Example
  • I18n
  • Unit and E2E testing
  • Documentation
  • 1 year of Updates
  • 1 year of Email Support
Buy now
  • Unlimited Developers
  • Unlimited Projects / Products
  • Full Source code
  • Authentication
  • Multi-tenancy & Team
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Stripe Integration
  • Landing Page
  • User Dashboard
  • Todo SaaS App Example
  • I18n
  • Unit and E2E testing
  • Documentation
  • 1 year of Updates
  • 1 year of Email Support
Buy now

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